Fix: Fixed crashes on non-Wi-Fi systems when the network connectivity check was run
NEW: Additional startup setting to switch off the network connectivity checks in case you are aware of the fact that you are running a public network connection
NEW Complete rebuild of the "Transfer with PhotoSync" shell extension. The shell extension should now be available reliably.
NEW Added check to detect "Public" network configurations that prevent transfers from happening. Shows a message box when a public network configuration is detected.
NEW Added option to periodically restart the PhotoSync device detection if there are problems with the device detection failing
Fixed multiple occurrences of receiving window when transferring using a web browser connection
Fixed autotransfer with album name setting. autotransfers from the "All" album did not create the "All" folder on the target when "Album name" was chosen for the subfolder generation
Added a check for FTP connections to test the transferred file for a file size larger than 0 bytes because a user reported that empty uploads have been declared as successful and the originals have been deleted