How to change your Windows 10 (with the November 2015 update) network type from Public to Private?
How to change the Windows 10 network type from Public to Private
What can I do about slow transfer/aborted connections?
How can I choose the right Wi-Fi channel to prevent aborted connections?
Why can't I establish a connection in a public/hotel Wi-Fi?
How do I transfer using a personal hotspot between iPhone and iPad?
How to transfer to/from my Windows 10 computer using a personal hotspot Wi-Fi network?
How to transfer to/from my Windows 10 computer using a personal hotspot with your USB cable?
Is syncing via Bluetooth supported? How does it work?
How do I create an ad-hoc network on the Mac?
How do I create an ad-hoc network on Windows XP?
How do I create an ad-hoc network on Windows Vista/Windows 7?
How do I create an ad-hoc network on Windows 8?
How can I find out the internet (IP) address of my Mac?
How can I find out the internet (IP) address of my iPhone?
How can I find out the internet (IP) address of my Android phone?
How can I find out the internet (IP) address of my iPad?
How can I find out the internet (IP) address of my Windows PC?
How do I establish an SSH connection with a private/public key pair?