How do I enable Rclone based Client-Side Encryption in PhotoSync?

Client-Side Encryption is supported in PhotoSync iOS 4.8 and higher.

Step 1

Open the PhotoSync settings and then tap Configure

Fig. 1. PhotoSync Settings
PhotoSync settings

Step 2

Now select the service you want to enable Client-Side Encryption on (e.g. SMB). If the target service offers configurations please tap on the desired configuration.

Fig. 2. PhotoSync Target Services List
PhotoSync target services list

Step 3

Now tap Client-Side Encryption to start the configuration. PhotoSync will then display an introduction screen. Tap Configure to proceed.

Fig. 3.1. Target Service Settings
Target Service Settings
Fig. 3.2. Encryption Introduction Screen
Encryption Introduction Screen

Step 4

Now tap Rlcone compatible (recommended) and then Create new encryption configuration

Fig. 4.1. Encryption Type Selection
Encryption Type selection
Fig. 4.2. Create Configuration
Create Configuration

Step 5

In the following screen you can specify the encryption options. You can enter your own password and Salt, but we recommend to tap Generate Password to let PhotoSync create a unique password for you. By default PhotoSync will request biometric authentication (FaceID / TouchID), when you want to access encrypted photos & videos or the encryption settings. When you disable "FaceID / TouchID", you can supply your own passcode. When you are finished, tap the Save button.

Fig. 5. Rclone Encryption Options
Rclone encryption options


Step 6

The encryption configuration has now been saved and all photos & videos will in future be encrypted before being sent to this target. We strongly recommend to tap Download Configuration now to save the encryption configuration to the Files App.

There are 2 download options available:

  • Download as TXT file
    Text file containing the encryption password, Salt and parameters in plain text (encrypted).
  • Download as rclone.conf file
    Download a rclone.conf file containing the crypt configuration and also target service configuration (for most services) in encrypted form. Recommended if you use Rlcone already on your computer or plan to use it.
Fig. 6. Download Configuration
Download Configuration

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