Wie nutze ich PhotoSync mit einem RAVPower® FileHub?

Wie nutze ich PhotoSync mit einem RAVPower® FileHub?

To use PhotoSync with a RAVPower® FileHub device, you need to build an WebDAV connection using PhotoSync

Connect your iOS device to the Wi-Fi network of the RAVPower® FileHub by joining the the RAVPower® FileHub Wi-Fi (usually FileHub-2250, password is 11111111) in the iOS Wi-Fi settings.

To connect to your RAVPower® FileHub with PhotoSync, open the PhotoSync settings, choose Configure > WebDAV and create an WebDAV connection with the following configuration values:


Port: 80
Login: admin
Password: - leave empty -
Directory: data
Use SSL: Off


Tap on Done to initiate the connection. Use the WebDAV target you created to transfer photos to your RAVPower® FileHub connected devices or to browse and retrieve photos from your RAVPower® FileHub connected devices.

Figure 1. RAVPower® FileHub WebDAV settings in PhotoSync
RAVPower® FileHub WebDAV settings in PhotoSync
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