I started PhotoSync companion on Windows 11 but I cannot find it? Where is it?

PhotoSync Companion is only visible in the Windows taskbar, usually at the bottom right corner next to the clock. It contains miniature icons for easy access to system functions such as antivirus settings, printer, modem, sound volume, battery status, and more.

PhotoSync icon in the Windows taskbar
PhotoSync icon in the Windows task bar

By default icons in the Windows taskbar are grouped together so it might be possible that the PhotoSync Companion icon is not visible by default. It is then hidden behind the icon with the little up caret:

Show hidden icons
Show hidden icons

Click on this icon to show the hidden icons:

Collection of hidden icons
Collection of hidden icons

If your PhotoSync Companion icon is hidden in your Windows taskbar and you want to permanently make it visible, just open the Taskbar Personalisation in the Windows settings. The hidden icons can be configured in the Taskbar corner overflow section. Change the visibility switch next to PhotoSync companion to On to show the PhotoSync icon permanently in the Windows taskbar.

Taskbar Personalisation Windows settings
Taskbar Personalisation Windows settings

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