How to transfer photos to an Apple Time Capsule?

Time Capsule configuration

To connect PhotoSync directly to a Time Capsule you need to create an SMB (Windows network sharing) connection with the Time Capsule. To set up the Time Capsule open the Airport Utility on your Mac, select the Time Capsule and edit it.

To get the network address of your Time Capsule go to the Internet tab in the Time Capsule in the Airport Utility. You'll find the network address in the field IPv4 address.

Time Capsule internet settings
Time Capsule internet settings

To set up the credentials to access the Time Capsule please change to the Disks tab in the Airport Utility and set up the access to your Time Capsule. You can choose between user accounts, a disk password or a device password.

Time Capsule storage settings
Time Capsule storage settings

PhotoSync configuration

When you have completed the configuration of your Time Capsule you can add a new connection to the Time Capsule in PhotoSync. Open the PhotoSync settings, go to Configure > SMB and add a new configuration. Use the following configuration settings:

Server The IP address of the Time Capsule, e.g.
Login The username to connect to the Time Capsule, something (e.g. guest) if you use a disk or device password
Password The password to connect to the Time Capsule
Network Share Usually the name of a disk in the time capsule, use the browse button to select it
Port 445
SMB-Version Automatic

Tap on Done to create the connection and use it for your transfers.

Time Capsule example configuration
Time Capsule example configuration

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