How to transfer from my iOS device to a computer when the computer is not detected automatically?

Make sure PhotoSync is installed on both your iOS device and your computer. PhotoSync Companion for macOS and Windows can be downloaded for free from the Downloads section on our website.

Run PhotoSync on both devices. Attention: Make sure both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Change to an album on your source device and tap the thumbnails of the photos and videos you want to transfer to select them. A red mark appears when tapping. To deselect photo and videos just tap again.

Photo and video selection on an iPhone
Photo and video selection on an iPhone
Photo and video selection on an iPad
Photo and video selection on an iPad

Tap the red sync button and then select your preferred action type: New, Selected, or All.

Choose transfer action on an iPhone
Choose transfer action on an iPhone
Choose transfer action on an iPad
Choose transfer action on an iPad

Select the destination of where you want to transfer to. Tap the Computer button if you want to transfer to a computer.

Select destination on an iPhone
Select destination on an iPhone
Select destination on an iPad
Select destination on an iPad

It can happen that no computer is found because some Wi-Fi routers may not support the automatic device detection that PhotoSync uses. If your Wi-Fi allows access between devices in the same Wi-Fi network you can connect to the target device by entering the internet (IP) address of the device manually into PhotoSync. PhotoSync remembers this input and will find your device automatically the next time your try as long as the device uses the same address.

To manually enter the address of the computer please tap on the Add device manually (IP) link at the bottom of the device search window.

No device found on an iPhone
No device found on an iPhone
No device found on an iPad
No device found on an iPad

You will be presented with an input mask to enter the IP address and the port of the computer.

Add device manually on an iPhone
Add device manually on an iPhone
Add device manually on an iPad
Add device manually on an iPad

Please follow the instructions in that window and open the application menu of PhotoSync Companion on your computer and choose About... to open the About window.

About window on a Windows computer
About window on a Windows computer
About window on a macOS computer
About window on a macOS computer

Now enter the IP address/name and port of the computer into the manually add device mask on your iOS device and press Done when you're ready.

Enter computer address on an iPhone
Enter computer address on an iPhone
Enter computer address on an iPad
Enter computer address on an iPad

Select your computer from the list of your available devices.

Select computer on an iPhone
Select computer on an iPhone
Select computer on an iPad
Select computer on an iPad

During the transfer process your device will show a transfer indicator that informs you about the target device and the ongoing transfer progress.

Transfer progress on an iPhone
Transfer progress on an iPhone
Transfer progress on an iPad
Transfer progress on an iPad

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