How to delete photos or videos?

There are several ways to delete photos and videos in PhotoSync. To delete photos and videos that you have previously selected in PhotoSync by tapping the thumbnails, proceed as follows:

Selection of photos
Selection of photos

Tap and hold on the selection, a selection menu appears where you can tap Delete Selected to delete the selected photos and videos.

Long-tap menu for a selection
Long-tap menu for a selection

iOS will open a confirmation prompt asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected photos. The photos will then not be deleted directly, but moved to the Recently Deleted album, where they will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

Confirmation prompt to delete selected photos
Confirmation prompt to delete selected photos

Another way to delete selected photos and videos is to use the action menu in PhotoSync. Tap the red transfer button and select Modify Selection under Send.

Action menu showing the Modify Selection option
Action menu showing the Modify Selection option

In the menu that then appears, tap Delete Selected to delete the selected photos and videos.

Modify Selection menu
Modify Selection menu

iOS will open a confirmation prompt asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected photos. The photos will then not be deleted directly, but moved to the Recently Deleted album, where they will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

Confirmation prompt to delete selected photos
Confirmation prompt to delete selected photos

You can also select in your preferred transfer target settings to delete successfully transferred photos and videos after the transfer. To do this, open PhotoSync Settings, Configure, select your transfer target, e.g. Computer, and under Delete After Transfer set how PhotoSync should handle successfully transferred photos and videos.

Target settings in PhotoSync
Target settings in PhotoSync

You can select not to delete photos and videos after a successful transfer, to delete photos and videos, or to delete only photos or only videos.

Delete After Transfer options
Delete After Transfer options

Also with the Delete After Transfer option, iOS will open a confirmation prompt asking you to confirm the deletion of the selected photos and videos.

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