How to transfer photos to Dropbox?

Configuring a Dropbox connection

To transfer photos to Dropbox you usually need an internet connection and your Dropbox credentials.

Create the connection to the Dropbox server in the PhotoSync settings under Configure > Dropbox.

Dropbox authorization button
Dropbox authorization button

PhotoSync redirects you to the Dropbox website or the Dropbox app if you have installed Dropbox on your device. Enter your Dropbox credentials to connect PhotoSync with your Dropbox account.

Dropbox login window
Dropbox login window

To build the connection allow PhotoSync to access your Dropbox files and folders. When the authorization is successful PhotoSync will open the Dropbox configuration and show that you are connected to Dropbox.

In the Destination Folder setting you can choose your destination folder to save your photos on Dropbox using a folder browser. Tap on Select to store the actually selected folder as destination folder for your transfers. Your selection will be shown in the Destination Folder setting.

Select destination folder, step 1
Select destination folder, step 1
Select destination folder, step 2
Select destination folder, step 2
Dropbox settings with destination folder selection
Dropbox settings with destination folder selection

The setting Create Sub-Directories allows to create individual subdirectories for each transferred photo. By default PhotoSync creates additional subdirectories with the name of the device and the name of the selected album.

If you wish to select your destination folder with each transfer please enable the Select Before Transfer setting.

In the Transfer Settings section you can define individual file names for your transferred photos and you can set various transfer options for your Wi-Fi and cellular data connections like that quality of your transferred photos, allow video transfers and much more. You can enable the Delete After Transfer setting to delete your photos on your device after a successful transfer to save storage space on your device. When you set the Allow overwrite switch to off PhotoSync checks for every transfer if a file with the same name and size already exists on the Dropbox server and it will rename the transfer if the file on the Dropbox server is a different file. If the files are identical it will skip the transfer if files are identical. By default PhotoSync always overwrites files with the same name on Dropbox.

In the View Settings action your can define the sort order for your files when you browse the files on Dropbox.

Sending photos to Dropbox

Sending photos and videos to Dropbox is easy: Just select the photos that you want to transfer by tapping the thumbnails. If you want to transfer all photos in the current album or only the new photos in the current album there is not even the need to select the photos.

Selecting photos for transfer
Selecting photos for transfer

Now tap the red transfer button and then Send. Send will be chosen automatically by PhotoSync if you have selected one or more photos for transfer. The Send page shows you three options to transfer your photos: New only chooses new photos which have not yet been transferred with PhotoSync, Selected chooses photos that have been tapped and selected for transfer, All chooses all photos from the actual album. Each option shows the number of affected photos in brackets behind the option name. Tap the option of your choice to continue with the transfer.

Send options in PhotoSync
Send options in PhotoSync

Now tap the target of your transfer. For transfers to Dropbox tap on Dropbox, this will start the transfer.

Target selection in PhotoSync
Target selection in PhotoSync

Your selection will be transferred to Dropbox. During the transfer PhotoSync shows you a detailed transfer progress.

Transfer photos to Dropbox
Transfer photos to Dropbox

Recive photos from Dropbox

To receive photos from Dropbox and download these photos to your device or to browse and view photos on Dropbox please tap the red transfer button in PhotoSync and then tap Receive to get a selection of remote targets to choose from.

Receive photos target selection
Receive photos target selection

Tap on Dropbox to connect to Dropbox and browse through the folders to your preferred directory. PhotoSync will show you all folders on Dropbox and all photo and video files. Other file types will not be shown in the browser.

Browsing the Dropbox target, step 1
Browsing the Dropbox target, step 1
Browsing the Dropbox target, step 2
Browsing the Dropbox target, step 2
Browsing the Dropbox target, step 3
Browsing the Dropbox target, step 3

To download photos from a chosen directory on Dropbox to your device please select the photos that you want to downlaod by tapping the thumbnails of the photos. If you want to download all photos in the selected directory or just new photos, you don't need to select anything and directly tap the red download button.

If you want to view your photos in full size or if you need the full size preview to select photos for download please change the between selection mode (default) and view mode. To toggle the mode just tap on the button in the bottom left corner (on iOS) or long tap on a thumbnail to open the options for a photo which includes e.g. the view option (on Android). While in view mode each photo will be shown in full screen size. If you tap the selection mark in the bottom toolbar of the photo viewer you can toggle the selection of the photo for a download to your device.

Photo selection for download
Photo selection for download

Tapping the red download button will show you three options to download your photos: New only chooses new photos which have not yet been downloaded with PhotoSync, Selected chooses photos that have been tapped and selected for download, All chooses all photos from the actual folder. Each option shows the number of affected photos in brackets behind the option name. Tap the option of your choice to continue with the download.

Photo download options
Photo download options

Before the download starts you have to choose or create an album on your device as a download target.

Download target album selection
Download target album selection

Tap Select to confirm the target albums selection and start the download. During the download PhotoSync shows you a detailed transfer progress.

Downloading photos
Downloading photos

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