How to test the latest PhotoSync release (Open Beta Testing)?

How to test the latest PhotoSync release (Open Beta Testing)?

If you want to test the latest PhotoSync release that may already contain new features or bug fixes that you are awaiting desperately, you can easily sign up for our open beta testing of PhotoSync. Just go to our open beta testing opt-in URL at and sign-in with your Google credentials. To become a tester just click the BECOME A TESTER button on that page.

Figure 1. Become a tester
Become a tester


Once you clicked the BECOME A TESTER button, you are a tester and after a short time (some minutes up to a few hours) you will be able to get the latest PhotoSync version from the Google Play Store. Usually Play Store should offer you an automatic update if there is a newer release and you have enabled automatic updates. Returning to this page you can leave the open beta test at any time.


Figure 2. Become a tester confirmation
Become a tester confirmation


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