PhotoSync 3.2.1 für iOS veröffentlicht
- NEW Support for HEIC / HEVC conversion on iOS 11. HEIC / HEVC are the new image / video formats on iOS 11. PhotoSync can now convert HEIF to JPEG and HEVC to H264 before upload. For cloud services that do not support the new formats this is done automatically. For other targets the user is asked upon the first transfer of HEIC photos, whether an auto-conversion to JPEG should be performed. You can enable / disable conversion in the Quality Transfer settings of the target.
- NEW Added a "Tip Jar": Enables users to give a voluntary ‘tip’ to the PhotoSync development team as appreciation for the continuous updates to the app and dedicated end user support. You can find the "Tip Jar" in the settings menu.
- NEW Optimised for iOS 11
- Fixed: Flickr-Authentication: PhotoSync now supports the new authentication mechanism required by Flickr
- Fixed: The creation / modification date for OneDrive uploads is now set to the recording date of the photo / video
- Improved: Re-uploads of photos / videos to WebDAV servers should not occur anymore
- Fixes a crash issue for SMB when listing shares
- Fixes resizing options that were not working for RAW+JPEG
- Fixes an issue that some OneDrive users could not authenticate
- Fixes a crash that occurred when changing the Sub-Directory Configuration
- Fixed: Listing photos / videos on Google Drive when only 100 items were displayed
- Fixed: Video uploads could hang on WebDAV-Servers, when multiple authentications / redirects were performed by the server
- Fixed: For RAW+JPEG photos the edited version of a photo was not transferred
- Fixed: Wrong edit pre-sets for cellular Cloud Drive uploads
- Fixed: The AutoTransfer to Smugmug that failed under certain circumstances
- Fixed: Wrong edit pre-sets for cellular Cloud Drive uploads
- Fixes an issue in the Share Sheet Extension that occurred for some users on iOS 9
- Fixes a listing issue for Toshiba FlashAir cards, when the file name contains spaces
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