Wie kann ich von meinem Mac zu meinem Android Telefon/Tablet übertragen?

Wie kann ich von meinem Mac zu meinem Android Telefon/Tablet übertragen?

Ensure PhotoSync is installed on both your source device and target device. The PhotoSync client application software for your Mac is available at https://www.photosync-app.com/downloads.

To send one or more photos/videos from your Mac, just select one or more photos/videos in Finder, or select one or more folders and drag and drop the selected objects onto the PhotoSync icon in your Dock or onto the PhotoSync icon in your menu bar. You can also drag pictures from websites out of your web browser onto the PhotoSync icon.

Figure 1. Select the files you want to transfer to your Android device
Select the files you want to transfer to your Android device


Now you will see the Select Device window that scans for available PhotoSync devices. Make sure that PhotoSync is running and active on your phone/tablet and both devices are connected to the same WiFi network. Your phone/tablet should show up in the list.


Figure 2. Device selector showing two devices
Device selector showing two devices


If you want to transfer your photos/videos into the default album of the selected device, you can skip the following screens and click on the Send button. PhotoSync on Android devices offers a folder option Use parent folder name for your files. If you choose it, the files will be transferred into folders with the names of the parent folders of the file on your Mac. If you e.g. drag files from a folder "Holidays" into PhotoSync Companion, the Use parent folder name option will create a folder "Holidays" on the Android device and put the transferred files into this folder.

If you want to create a new album manually, click on the --> New album entry in the album list.


Figure 3. Change the default album
Change the default album


Enter the name of your album and click OK.


Figure 4. Entering the album name
Entering the album name


Click on Send to start the transfer process.


Figure 5. Target album selected
Target album selected


Your transfers go into the selected album on the target device.


Figure 6. Transfer progress
Transfer progress


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