Wie übertrage ich zu Windows 10 (mit November 2015 update) wenn die Verbindung blockiert ist oder es eine Zeitüberschreitung gibt?

Wie übertrage ich zu Windows 10 (mit November 2015 update) wenn die Verbindung blockiert ist oder es eine Zeitüberschreitung gibt?

Most people don't know that the public setting for your Windows network has severe consequences for your reachability and connectivity in your local network. When public, your Windows computer behaves exactly like you’re on a public connection, like at an airport or hotel Wi-Fi. While this is a welcome feature when you're at these places, it prevents your computer from any communication with other devices in your local network which is not helpful if you are trying to transfer some photos between your mobile and your computer for example. The following steps show you how to change your network type from "Public" to "Private" on Windows 10 with the November 2015 update:

Open the Windows 10 settings app by pressing the Windows Key + i or open the settings app from the start menu

Figure 1. Settings app
Settings app


Click on Network & Internet and then click on the Wi-Fi subcategory.


Figure 2. Network & Internet
Network & Internet



Scroll down until you get the Advanced options entry and click on it to show the advanced options for your current Wi-Fi connection. If not set On, please set the Make this PC discoverable option to On to enable the detection of your PC.


Figure 3. Advanced options
Advanced options
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