Wie übertrage ich von einem USB OTG Gerät?
Wie übertrage ich von einem USB OTG Gerät?
Start PhotoSync on your device and plug your USB OTG adapter to your device. PhotoSync should get a notification that an USB device was connected. Tap OK to allow PhotoSync to access the USB device and to read the file system of the device.

Every folder of the device that contains photos or videos will be shown as an album in the External Storage section in the PhotoSync sidebar. Please note that apps have to come with support for the file system of the USB device. For this reason PhotoSync can only support USB devices that are formatted with the FAT32 file system. ExFAT, NTFS, HFS or EXT3 file systems are not supported by PhotoSync. If PhotoSync can't read the USB device file system or if there are no images or videos in the folders, no external storage albums will be shown in the PhotoSync sidebar.

Select the USB device album of your choice from the sidebar and select the photos that you want to transfer to one of the supported PhotoSync targets by tapping the photo thumbnails.

Start the transfer by tapping the red transfer button in PhotoSync and select whether you want to transfer New, Selected or All photos of the current album.

Select the target to which you want to transfer your photos.

If the target is a computer with PhotoSync companion, please select the target computer.

Watch your transfers to go to the selected target.