What's new in doctorseyes Server 1.0.3

  • Fix: Enabled multiple languages based on Windows system language

For feature requests and comments please write to support@doctorseyes.de.

What's new in doctorseyes Server 1.0.2

  • New: Added selection of an autotransfer directory to the settings
  • New: Added a right-click hint to the drag & drop area
  • Fix: Changed the autotransfer from a file system watcher to a recurring task every 30 seconds
  • Fix: Fixed a quick start image

For feature requests and comments please write to support@doctorseyes.de.

What's new in doctorseyes Server 1.0.1

  • New: Renamed the app to doctorseyes Server
  • Fix: Changed the quick start information

For feature requests and comments please write to support@doctorseyes.de.