PhotoSync für iOS ergänzt die automatische Sicherung und Übertragung um mehr als 10 Canon EOS Wi-Fi-Kameras
touchbyte ist stolz darauf, die Veröffentlichung von PhotoSync 4.0 für iOS bekannt zu geben, das mehrere workfloworientierte Premium-Features enthält. PhotoSync fügt sofortiges Backup & Übertragung für mehr als 10 Canon EOS-Kameras hinzu - darunter beliebte Modelle wie die Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Canon EOS 6D Mark II, Canon EOS 80D und Canon EOS 200D.
NEW You can now choose to transfer both the HEIC and converted JPEG of a photo (HEIC+JPEG). You can enable this option in the settings of the transfer target.
NEW Layout & Design adjusted for iOS 11
Fixed: Transferring HEIC based Live Photos to other iOS devices could cause PhotoSync to crash
NEW Support for HEIC / HEVC conversion on iOS 11. HEIC / HEVC are the new image / video formats on iOS 11. PhotoSync can now convert HEIF to JPEG and HEVC to H264 before upload. For cloud services that do not support the new formats this is done automatically. For other targets the user is asked upon the first transfer of HEIC photos, whether an auto-conversion to JPEG should be performed. You can enable / disable conversion in the Quality Transfer settings of the target.
NEW Added a "Tip Jar": Enables users to give a voluntary ‘tip’ to the PhotoSync development team as appreciation for the continuous updates to the app and dedicated end user support. You can find the "Tip Jar" in the settings menu.
Over 50 new innovative features make PhotoSync 3.2 the most powerful and versatile photo & video transfer solution on the market. Highlights include SMB support, Share Sheet support, Automatic sub-directory creation for albums …
PhotoSync 3.0 has over 50 new features and has been completely rewritten to take advantage of iOS 8 and it’s new photo capabilities. Here are just some of the new features: Support for Amazon Cloud Drive, Delete support, Full support for iCloud Photo Library …